The last 5 years have raised unprecedented challenges for leaders in the People and Culture space.

Labour shortages, Covid, generational learning abilities and remote workforces have all combined to deliver a challenging landscape for companies, and in particular People and Culture teams. However, through relevant data analytics and the ability to engage employees, companies can still create a positive, inclusive, high performing work environment.

Fiona’s ability to be agile, forward- thinking, pragmatic and calm enabled both companies to continue recruiting talent, reduce inefficiencies and thrive in the eye of a storm. Through strategic recruiting campaigns, data analytics, standardized onboarding, established Employee Value Proposition, and reduced turnover Fiona lead each company through initiatives that delivered to the bottom line. Her ability to drive data driven decisions, understand the interconnectedness between engagement and profitability all led to successful outcomes both for her team and the company.

Fiona’s commitment to transformation and the nearly 3 decades she has in experience ensures that she is a great asset to Realign, and a rewarding investment to future companies.


Strategy & leadership in manufacturing


Strategy & Transformation in a Complex Business